Upcoming Dates
- October 7th – PTO Meeting
- October 8th – Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
- October 10th – Fun Run Event
- October 11th – Fall Class Parties
- October 14th & 15th – Book Fair
- October 14th – 16th – Fall Conferences
- October 18th & 21st – No School
- October 24th – Picture Retakes
- October 25th – Skateland Event
- November 8th – No School
- November 11th – PTO Meeting
- November 27th – 29th – Fall Break
Crocker PTO
Interested in what we do? All parents/guardians are welcome to attend meetings! You do not have to be a part of the board or a committee to come and participate. If you want to get involved, we have plenty of opportunities with varying commitments. Reach out for details @ crocker.pto@gmail.com!
We are looking for a new secretary. If interested, please email for more information.
We will hold a monthly meeting in the Crocker Library from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend. Don’t have a sitter? No worries! Kids can come and play in the Maker Space in the library.
Crocker Cruisers
Volunteer to support Crocker’s running program and help support students/staff in reaching their goal of running/walking a marathon! We are off to a great start already this year with a couple of students already completing their 1st marathon of the year!
Sign up on Better Impact! We have plenty of openings for October and November available.
11:00 – 12:14 (TK/K, 2nd, 1st)
12:15 – 1:40 (5th, 3rd, 4th)
Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
Grab dinner at Chick-Fil-A on Tuesday October 8th from 5-8 pm and mention you are there for Crocker’s Spirit Night! A portion of the proceeds are given back to the Crocker PTO to support future family events. NEW THIS YEAR: the option to mobile order and have it count toward our spirit night! Just select the “Support Community Care Event” when you check out online to support us!

Fun Run Event
The PTO is hosting our annual Fun Run on Thursday, October 10th at 9:30am. This event is put on in support of all the donations raised by both the students and the PTO. Students will run/walk a mile with the option (NEW this year!) to participate in an obstacle course.
Event Info

The parking lots will be roped off at 9am to eliminate traffic in the parking lot while students are participating in the Fun Run. Please plan accordingly for parking when you arrive.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to attend to cheer on all students and can stand along the red lines indicated on the map.
Only volunteers that sign up through Better Impact (linked below) are able to be throughout the course helping with the different obstacles.
Sign up to volunteer on Better Impact. We will need volunteers to help set up, run stations/tear down, and run our snack table. If you want to set up and also run a station, you will need to sign up under both spots in Better Impact.
Set Up – Help set up each of the obstacle course stations, the snack table, and arch.
Obstacle Course Stations – Help with crowd control, monitoring students while working through stations, and bringing supplies back to the black top after the race.
Snack Table – Set out water and bananas and ensure each student is getting a snack after they finish the race. Students will come over in waves as they complete their mile run/walk.
Fundraising Update
Reminder all packets need to be returned on or before October 10th.

Skateland Event
Enjoy a fun night of skating from 5-9pm at Skateland on October 25th with music and games throughout the evening. Make sure to tell them that you are a Crocker family and get admission for only $5.00+tax! Skate rental is an additional $5.00, if needed. Do you have little ones or kids that have never skated before? Skateland has you covered with skate mates available for rent as well. Concessions available for purchase.
Conference Week
Conferences are right around the corner, on October 14th, 15th, and 16th. The PTO needs your help in supporting our teachers/staff while they work long days during conferences. The PTO will be providing Smokey D’s on Monday, and Breakfast Pizza on Wednesday morning. We are asking for your help in providing a Taco Bar on Tuesday by signing up for donations via the sign up below.
Order your yearbook for the 24-25 school year. Yearbooks are $25.00 per yearbook. Click the link below! Also, don’t forget to submit baby pictures for your 5th grade student(s)!