Upcoming Dates
- December 7th – Open Gym: 2-4pm
- December 20th – Winter Class Parties
- December 21st – Open Gym: 2-4pm
- December 23rd – 31st – Winter Break
- January 1st – 2nd – Winter Break
- January 6th – PTO Meeting
- January 11th – Open Gym: 2-4pm
- January 13th – No School
- January 20th – No School
- January 25th – Open Gym: 2-4pm
Crocker PTO
Interested in what we do? All parents/guardians are welcome to attend meetings! You do not have to be a part of the board or a committee to come and participate. If you want to get involved, we have plenty of opportunities with varying commitments. Reach out for details by emailing crocker.pto@gmail.com!
We are looking for a new PTO board secretary and an individual/s to help schedule family events. If interested, please email us at crocker.pto@gmail.com for more information!
The PTO holds monthly meetings in the Crocker Library from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend. Don’t have a sitter? No worries! Kids can come and play in the Maker Space in the library.
Crocker Cruisers
We wrapped up Crocker Cruisers for the fall the week before Thanksgiving. We will resume Crocker Cruisers on 3/25/25. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped support our students/staff meet their goals of reaching a marathon!
Interested in volunteering?! Shifts are up on Better Impact for the spring.
11:00 – 12:14 (TK/K, 2nd, 1st)
12:15 – 1:40 (5th, 3rd, 4th)

Open Gym
Are you looking for something to do with the kids as the weather gets colder? The PTO is hosting an Open Gym, twice a month, in December, January, and February. We have access to the entire gym for students and their families to burn off some energy. Equipment will be available for use, but feel free to bring your own equipment as well. Please note that entry to Open Gym will be through the gym doors.
Surprise a Staff Member
This December, we would love to surprise each of our Crocker staff members with a gift card to show them how much we appreciate all they do to support our students!
We have 86 people we would like to give a gift card to, including teaches, paras, office staff, principles, custodians, kitchen staff, and AEA consultants.
To do this, we need your help! Any donated amount will help us reach our goal and celebrate the hard work of the staff at Crocker.
You can donate via Venmo or Square.
Sign up for a specific amount here: Crocker Elementary: Surprise a Staff
Thank you!!
Order your yearbook for the 24-25 school year. Yearbooks are $25.00 per yearbook. Click the link below!
Fifth grade parents: don’t forget to submit baby pictures for your 5th grade student(s)! Baby photos will go in the yearbook in a section dedicated to our 5th grade class.
Crocker Holiday Giving Tree
Students will come home with a form to fill out allowing them to participate in the Giving Tree, if you choose. All items donated will help Crocker families that may need some assistance in providing gifts to their children and family.
How it Works
- Students that bring in a completed form will be able to pull ornaments from the tree located in the front office. You select how many ornaments you want your student to pull from the tree (on the form), and each ornament will have a specific item that a Crocker family has requested or needs.
- Have fun and shop for the item/s that your student pulled.
- Wrap the gift/s and tape the ornament that was pulled from the Giving Tree to the gift and return to the Crocker office.